Travel + Lifestyle
24/7 Personal Travel Agent: Plan your trips, get you tickets, your own Amex concierge
2 Annual Summits: Bali Spring Break, Iceland Winter Solstice
Bimonthly Retreats: Thailand, Mexico City, Tokyo, London, Singapore, etc. 
Rotating Clubhouse: A clubhouse in a new city based on member input (currently in Bali).
Global Network: find your people and couches wherever you are. 
Pechok: my favorite bali tour guide and my good buddy. Take him to the club!

Family Office
Expert Network: access to personally vetted tax advisors, estate planners, lawyers, and real-estate experts
Vendor Office: $2M in discounts on the software + professional services you need  (Notion, Stripe, tax and bookkeeping, etc.)
In-house capital raising: we’ve helped raise millions this year alone.

Peers: A community of equally accomplished, equally unconventional people your age.
Your Core 8: a complete support network - more personal than any investor, employee, or coworker could ever be.
In-person: shun digital communities- physically gather with the people you’ll connect most with in this world.
Collaborators: this generation's Paypal mafia but more fun, more connected, and 10x more successful.

An  :)
Hi. I’m the founder. I was put here to help people achieve their dreams and design their lives. I will fly to your house to help you set up your sales funnel or design your new app with you, help you raise money, or help you find your people. And I hope everyone else in The Farm will too. We're here to build something magical, it'll define a new chapter for each and every one of us, and for everyone else out there too.